Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Should You Invest Your Money???

  • You don’t wish to slog ALL your life, just to have a better life ahead.

  • Inflation still exists (onions, petrol, groceries, remember????) in spite of the Indian government doing all that they can (at least they say so!)

  • We don’t belong to a set of people who believe in ‘simple living and high thinking’ even though we’d like to say we do.

  • None of us can say we have enough black leather boots or zardosi sarees or iPads or even BMWs…..

  • Everytime we watch Aisha, Badmaash Company, Priceless, we wish we were the protagonist.

  • Though we believe in saving hard earned money, a Frankie a day or a taxi a day are temptations we can’t resist.

  • Even though we do watch movies on Tuesdays utilizing the Vodafone one-on-one free scheme or prefer going to Chitra, Plaza or low cost theatres, we’d love to make instant plans and go catch a movie whenever (not early mornings, please) and wherever possible.

  • We believe in ‘living life king/queen size’ without making compromises on our own needs (you can’t blame me of being a feminist)


We can never be sure how long our pocket money or salary will last us . Eventually, it like any other resource will get extinguished ….. We don’t only need to earn good money, we also need to let our money grow for us. And this can happen only by investing it.

Why Invest:Where you invest your money is not of prime importance but keeping it invested is paramount. By keeping money in our bank accounts, rather than investing it, we are only storing it away in a safe place. The money you’ll end up having is the money you saved with a very minute amount of interest over it. By investing money, you are generating money through earning interest or by buying and selling assests that can work for you.

Where to Invest: it truly doesn’t matter where you invest till the time your investments help your money grow.Here, unlike other facets of life, means aren’t important . You have a wide range of stocks, mutual funds, bonds, real estate, own business to invest in.

High Expectations You can never be sure how a market will move. You can only speculate. There isn’t any guarantee of how high the SENSEX will go, but there is a guarantee that investing will keep you in good stead in the long run.

Twenties is THE age! According to investment experts postponing your investing career is second only to not investing at all on the list of investment sins. The earlier you start the better off you are.

Playing it safe. If you're young, most of your investing dollars should be in the stock market. You have enough time to weather any dips in the market and to reap the rewards of long-term gains. Although you may want to transition into bonds later in life as you depend on your investments for income, stocks should make up a large portion of the portfolio of every investor.

Playing it scary. Not every investment is for everyone. Even if you're a daredevil, you shouldn't pour all of your money into something that could end up going down the drain.

Trading in and out of the market. We believe the best approach to investing is the long-term one. Pick your investments well and you'll reap greater rewards over the long term than you had ever dreamed possible. Trade in and out of the market and you'll be burdened with fees that chip away at your returns, and you'll potentially miss out on gains that long-term investors enjoy with much less effort.

As they say, "Money isn't everything, but happiness alone can't keep out the rain."


  1. True very true... Its like the ants, who think about the winter during the summer and collect all the food that they advance!!! Loved it!

  2. @ priyanka: yep! lets hope this way we too can collect as much as cash as possible! thanx a tonne for the comment! :)

  3. Very right.. It is the writing on the wall for everybody onthe threshold of a professional career.
    'Invest when you are young and reap when you are done'

  4. Well thts true..Now I'll definitely try and save/invest money so that i buy a Ferrari one day..
