Thursday, February 24, 2011

FINANCIAL STABILITY - and what it means to me!!!

One of the event that every Ruiaite (me an alumni of Ruia college) looks forward to, is scheduled for the 20th September. Myself being like just another college going student is obviously excited about it. It is the one day when everyone (ok! Probably not everyone but at least I ) am all busy expecting roses and rose cards and yes to my agony even though I can’t resist…….chocolates. And yes! How can I forget, the reaction of your “special” one when he/she receives your card (with the added effect of the RED rose. In other words its something I’m really waiting for…..

So for a person like me (Oh! In case I forgot to mention, I’m a typical girl ,looking for an occasion to look good, all ready to get compliments and loving each and every adulation that comes my way) looking good is really…read : REALLY important.As luck would have it I was strolling on Matunga streets when I saw this dirty – green coloured halter neck. But still out of curiosity (and thank god for that!!!!) I happened to ask if they had the same one in a different colour (read: BLACK!).It usually happens that stuff that I like is either not fitting, too tight or too baggy or simply too expensive (come on! I’m still not earning… ) and that day was just like the others….they didn’t have it in black. However the attendant turned up all smiling to tell me that they have a brown one (not that I love brown but well something is better than nothing…or better put as brown is better than green!!!)

Well there is absolutely no point describing my trying it on, loving it, hating myself for putting on so much weight and looking at myself from each and every angle possible….(typical girl I told you!!!).The cruz remains that I ended up buying it for 300 bucks (luckily I had that much cash that day!!!!)

So well, what actually happened(by now you might be wondering where financial stability comes in!!!) is that my mom happened to find it not so decent! Come on now decency is a very relative according to me and heck! that’s what generation gap is all about…..isn’t it????

Anyway in the evening the topic ended by me saying- “I like it and I’m wearing it. PERIOD!!!”. So far,so good. But whoever said life was all smooth sailing. Due to a fight with my sister the topic came up again late in the night. Now mom was like, “you didn’t even think twice before handing over those 300 Rs for this indecent top of yours”. Well, I happened to say that it was just a matter of 300 Rs.(Ohkay! Now this is an advice to all my fellow teenagers…..never, ever use the term “only” or “just”when it comes to cash. Never! PERIOD And if you’re trying to prove that you’re some smart ass….go ahead and face your fate).

Like a typical mom, my mom too went on and on and on and on as to how hard she works and doesn’t spend on herself only to see me cash out money for an INDECENT, REVEALING TOP. Not that I don’t agree to the 1st part of the sentence (I love you mom!) as that definitely is how the situation is but not indecent and revealing, no! I don’t buy that. And since that night all I’ve been wondering is how peaceful it would be if I were earning. Then I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about a thing; on spending cash on something my mom found indecent, of buying something that I’d probably wear only once a year,of wasting her hard-earned cash on 2 meters or probably less lycra!

Had I been earning and financially independent I would be able to speak with my head held high (Gosh! some pride…) that it was my cash and I would decide how to spend it and on what …..It does seem a very trivial issue right now, but back then it was something quite humiliating. Something quite shameful, something that doubted my sense of expenditure and mainly right and wrong (come on it’s a big decision whether to buy a top or not !!!)

But then in any case I have to wait for more 6 months (to be an adult, I’m still 17 for the record) and a good job opportunity to come along. But till then, “ummm….. mom / dad may I have some cash please…….”

NOTE: This was written a long while ago, just thought this could go with the blog as it shares the main topic- money!


  1. Superb! This write up gives me the Shopoholic effect!

  2. @ priyanka: thanks dear, you know what, it gives me the SAME feeling, however, i AM (unfortunately) reminded about the lack of cash in my wallet :(

  3. This is so well written ! Simple and mast !

  4. All girls are just the same.. impulsive buyers!!
